

Butterflies   A Butterfly and a moth are insects that descend down from the order Lepidoptera as well as the macrolepidopteran clade Rhopalocera. Grown-up Butterfly characterized for many features such as bright-large colorful wings, as well as fluttering clearly flight. Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis and have a 4-stage life cycle. Eggs were laid on the … Read more

Goat Breeds

Goat Breeds

Goat Breeds According to the United States Department of Agriculture, there’re 4 domestic goat categories: Angora goats (raised for wool), South African Boers (these goats can rebreed while nursing as they are adaptable), Mexican or Spanish goat (raised for meat), and dairy goats. However, these goat breeds are also good pets.   Furthermore, each breed … Read more

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle   Sea turtle, Superfamily Chelonioidea, that is also known as the marine turtle is a reptile of the suborder Cryptodira and of the order Testudines. There are 7 species of sea turtles including the green turtle, loggerhead turtle, Kemp’s ridley turtle, olive ridley, hawksbill, flatback, and leatherback.   The Endangered Species Act lists … Read more

Biggest Cat Breeds

Biggest Cat Breeds

Biggest Cat Breeds   The biggest cat breeds are not usually undomesticated or wild cats. If you are looking for a large cat, there are a lot of big domesticated cat breeds to adopt from. Here is plenty of domestic, big-sized cat, that can be a great choice to breed and care for if you … Read more

Cat Names

Cat Names

Cat Names   Choosing the best name for your cat is one of the most difficult things any cat owner will face. When you choose your cat’s name, you have to be aware of 2 things; fitting the personality of your cat and having a good sound. Actually, this mission is somehow hard as there … Read more

Smartest Cat Breeds

Smartest Cat Breeds

Smartest Cat Breeds   In general, cats are among the most intelligent animals in the world. There is no doubt that cat owners are well aware that smart cats can easily adapt to new surroundings and situations, interact with other animals very well, and be trained easily. But what are the smartest cat breeds? In … Read more



Goldfish   The goldfish, which is one of the most popular aquarium fish, is usually kept in indoor aquariums as a pet. The beautiful fish, that is also known as Carassius auratus, are a small member of the carp family, which also includes the crucian carp and the Prussian carp.   The goldfish breed was … Read more

Cats With No Tail

Cats With No Tail

Cats With No Tail   One of the most features of a cat is the tail. It is the part that indicates the cat’s mood, it is also the part that controls the cat’s balance. Then, it is very odd to see cats with no tail run around. The first thought that would come to … Read more

Dogs With Autism

Dogs With Autism

Dogs With Autism   Have you ever heard about dogs with autism? First of all, let’s see “what does autism mean?”. Autism in humans is when the nervous system is impacted by a certain condition leaving the human incapable of processing non-verbal cues and emotions. Autism has signs and symptoms that vary from person to … Read more

Most Expensive Cat

Most Expensive Cat

Most Expensive Cat   Cats and dogs are the most popular pet animals in the United States as they are great companions who bring comfort to millions of homes. However, the price of a pet is not always a sign of its quality, but the expensive breeds always have their own unique features. We have … Read more

Cats With Down Syndrome

Cats With Down Syndrome

Cats With Down Syndrome   Many people wonder there are cats with down syndrome, actually, pet health professionals and vets are responsible for answering. However, cats cannot have down syndrome, but there are some down syndrome-like symptoms that they can possess, which include quirky physical appearances and unusual behavioral features. Take a look at the … Read more

Savannah Cat

Savannah Cat

Savannah Cat   The Savannah cat breed is a wild African cat, that has a medium size and large ears. That breed of cat is crossing between a serval and domestic cat. At the end of the 1990s, the largest breed of domestic cat breeds became very common. On the 7th of April of 1986, … Read more

Best Family Dogs

Best Family Dogs

Best Family Dogs   The former board member for the Association of Shelter Veterinarians and DVM, Dr. Holly Putnam, suggests what energy level would fit your family, the lifestyle of your family, and the dog’s size. So, you should be aware that there is a great number of best family dogs, and all you have … Read more

Puppy Mill

Puppy mill

Puppy Mill   A puppy mill is a place where dogs treat as commercial commodities. These poor dogs breed in that puppy farm and they are characterized by their quick breeding in very bad conditions. In 1984, “puppy mill” has been defined legally in a case opinion called Avenson v. Zegart is a process of … Read more