Goat Breeds
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, there’re 4 domestic goat categories: Angora goats (raised for wool), South African Boers (these goats can rebreed while nursing as they are adaptable), Mexican or Spanish goat (raised for meat), and dairy goats. However, these goat breeds are also good pets.
Furthermore, each breed has its own features from behavior, color, and size. Some goat breeds are pygmy, others are large. Some others have floppy ears while others’ are perky. Some goat breeds are even known for their fainting tendencies.
The list below contains 8 common goat breeds:
8-Nigerian Dwarf

This cute breed is one of the most common goat breeds in the world. Males heigh up to 60 cm, while the females heigh up to 57 cm. This breed was imported to the United States from Africa between 1930-1960. The Nigerian Dwarf, which was originally bred from a group of West African Dwarfs, is now a domestic milking goat after being initially used for display in zoos. The friendly and gregarious goat can come in any pattern or color.

This breed, that is also known as the Anglo-Nubian outside of North America, is a vocal, sturdy, and large dairy goat. The Nubian goats, which come in any pattern and color, have doglike ears, that are floppy and long. The weight of the male is at least 72.5 kgs, and the weight of the female is at least 61 kgs. This breed, which is originally raised for milk and meat, is one of the most common goat breeds.

This breed gets its name from myotonia congenita, a genetic disorder that causes it to faint and stiffen up when it’s frightened or surprised. Knowing as the fainting goat, the Myotonic breed has many different types, that are extremely different in their physical characteristics. However, the weight of this breed in general ranges between 36 to 91 kgs. They also range in formation, color, and broadness.

This breed, which was originally bred in Switzerland, is one of the smallest goat breeds. Each goat of this breed can yield up to 2585 kgs of milk every year, which makes them one of the most productive milking goat breeds. The Toggenburg goats have a soft brown coat with white marking, and small, erect ears.

This goat breed is one of the most productive milking goat breeds. The Saanen, which was originally bred in Switzerland, is a large breed with an average height for males is 94 cm and for females is 81 cm. The breed, which is now available in over eighty countries in the world, is known for its white coat and skin! However, some of them have a tassel or horns. This breed is one of the most common goat breeds in the world.

This breed, which was initially bred from a combination of dwarf goats in Great Britain, is widely known and loved for its short stature. The goats of this breed have a compact appearance due to having limbs that aren’t consistent with the body. Males and females can have beards and horns. However, the height of females is between 40.5 to 56 cm, while males can heighten up to 58.5 cm.

This breed, which was bred in Oregon, US, was initially bred in Spain. Many people call them “earless”, but the truth is that they have short ear pinnae. Furthermore, the LaMancha goat, which is among the most common goat breeds in the world, can have 2 different types of ears: elf or gopher. Females have elf ears.

This goat breed was originally bred in the Swiss Alps, that’s where it got its initial name, but its name was then renamed French-Alpines after being bred to be larger in France. The French-Alpine goats look like the Nigerian Dwarf but bigger.
Their horns, erect ears, and straight profiles make this breed, that is also known as Alpine Dairy, have a classic appearance. The goats of this breed are small to medium in size; the intact males (bucks) weigh 72.5 kgs at least, and the females (does) weigh around 61 kgs. Their usages in agriculture are great as they have great abilities in milking. People often make soap, cheese, butter, and cream from their milk.
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