Dogs With Long Noses

Dogs With Long Noses

Dogs With Long Noses     It is known that dogs can smell 10-100 thousand times better than humans as they have a great sense of smell. Their ability to smell is so amazing as they can detect human emotions, track down animals and people from tens of kilometers away, and absolutely smell food. But … Read more

Short Legged Dogs

Short Legged Dogs

Short Legged Dogs     It is known that there are many different dog breeds from slowest to fastest, smallest to biggest, and shortest to tallest. Anyway, there is no doubt that they are all cute, but there is one category considered the cutest which is the short legged dogs. Actually, these dogs are cutest … Read more

Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

Most Aggressive Dog Breeds   One of the most common questions that any possible dog owner asks is what are the most aggressive dog breeds? Anyway, aggressiveness does not mean that you can’t adopt the dog. Furthermore, it depends on how aggressive the dog is, how the dog is with kids, and how the dog … Read more