Dogs and Cats

Dogs and Cats


If you already have a cat and are thinking about getting a dog, or vice versa, you should know that the first introduction is really important. You can’t just let dogs and cats meet each other in an open room as it possibly means that they will both fail. Anyway, you should take your time to put a plan.


Matching Dogs and Cats


If you have a cat and are thinking about getting a dog, or vice versa, you should consider the personalities of both animals.


If your dog has ever picked up, pinned, chased, or otherwise “manhandle” any cat in an aggressive way, you should not even think about getting a cat. Furthermore, dogs who bark in an obsessive way, growl, or lunge at cats would possibly be better in an environment with cats. The same thing with cats, if they ever hide from, run from, swat, or growl at dogs would possibly do better with no-dog environments.


A playful, gentle dog could be a great option for a cat, who is playful or rambunctious. On the other hand, playful adult cats are the best choice for dogs, who play roughly as they could hurt elderly cats or kittens.

If you have a senior cat or dog, that is anxious or quiet, and laid back, so, a calm counterpart would be perfect. Do not think about bringing rambunctious companions as they may bother, frighten, or even annoy another pet.



The Introduction Process


The first introduction between your new pet and your current pet is so important whether you’re getting a new dog or a new cat. You make the first introduction so perfect by following these 4 steps:


First Step: Choose the best place for the 1st meeting



Resident dog to new cat: When you decide to adopt a cat, you do not have to take your dog to the shelter to let choose the best cat from its perspective! The best thing to do is to ask the adoption counselors of the shelter to show you a dog-savvy cat if they have one. However, the most important part is how the 2 animals meet at home.

Resident cat to new dog: The same process is applied here. You just have to get a cat-savvy dog and bring it home. The meeting should happen at home.



Second Step: Separate the 2 Pets


You have to give every animal its own space to let both of them investigate the scent of the other one. You can do this by confining the dog to another room or a crate to see what the cat will do when it has all the time and roam to investigate the dog’s smell. However, if the dog barks at the cat for more than 2 days or digs at the separation barrier, it means that the 2 animals need proper training to make this interaction work.


You should also be aware not to leave the cat and dog all alone at home together without supervision. When the cat is normally using the litter box, eating, and so calm, and the dog is calm, you can move to the third step.


Third Step: Make leashed introductions


You can put the cat and dog in the same place at the same time, but do not ever keep the dog without being leashed in a secure way. When you feel that the cat is doing great, using the litter box, eating normally, and calm, and the dog ignores the cat and is also calm, you can move to the next step.


Fourth Step: Allow unsupervised interactions


After being supervised for at least a month, you can let both animals without supervision if they did not do anything wrong during the supervision period.


After following these steps, you can be sure that dogs and cats will come along after introducing them to each other.


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