Discover the Charm of the Polydactyl Maine Coon Cats!

Are you ready to meet some truly unique feline companions? Let me introduce you to the fascinating world of Polydactyl Maine Coon cats! These extraordinary creatures possess a genetic mutation that results in extra toes on their paws, making them stand out from the rest. Polydactyl Maine Coons are sought after by cat lovers for their distinctive appearance and charming personalities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Polydactyl Maine Coon cats have extra toes on their paws, which is a genetic mutation.
  • They are sought after by cat lovers for their unique appearance.
  • Maintaining proper nail care is crucial for their well-being.
  • These cats have a fascinating history and are associated with certain cat breeds.
  • Adopting a polydactyl Maine Coon requires finding a reputable breeder.

What Makes Polydactyl Maine Coons Special?

Polydactyl Maine Coon cats are truly unique due to their extra toes, which set them apart from other feline breeds. While most cats have five toes on their front paws, polydactyl Maine Coons can have anywhere from six to nine toes on each front paw. Although extra toes on their hind paws are less common, they can also occur, adding to their distinctiveness.

This special trait is the result of an inherited genetic mutation that can be passed down from their parent cats. Polydactyl Maine Coons are often bred by specialized breeders who focus on this variation within the Maine Coon breed. These breeders carefully select for the polydactyl trait, ensuring that each generation carries on this unique feature.

It’s important to note that having extra toes doesn’t typically cause any medical issues for polydactyl Maine Coons. They can lead perfectly normal and happy lives, just like any other cat. The extra toes may require some extra attention when it comes to nail care, but overall, these cats are healthy and well-suited for life as beloved companions.

Key Traits of Polydactyl Maine Coons Additional Information
Extra toes – Ranging from 6 to 9 on each front paw
– Occasional extra toes on hind paws
Unique appearance – Extra toes can be on the inside or outside of the paw
– Adds to their charm and appeal
Special breeding – Polydactyl Maine Coons are bred by specialized breeders
– Breeders focus on preserving and promoting the polydactyl trait
No significant health issues – Extra toes don’t typically pose any medical concerns
– Regular nail care is important to prevent issues like ingrown nails

Health Considerations for Polydactyl Maine Coons

Polydactyl cats, including Maine Coons, are generally healthy cats. However, their extra toes require special attention in terms of nail care. The nails associated with the extra toes can grow quickly and may result in ingrown nails if not regularly trimmed. Ingrown nails can lead to pain and secondary infections. Regular veterinary check-ups and nail trims are essential to ensure the extra toes do not pose any issues for the cat.

Aside from nail care, polydactyl Maine Coons do not have any specific health concerns related to their extra toes. They are generally just as healthy as non-polydactyl cats of the same breed. These cats have the same lifespan as regular Maine Coons, which is typically around 12 to 15 years.

I always make sure to bring my polydactyl Maine Coon to the vet for regular check-ups. The vet helps keep his extra toes in check by trimming his nails and making sure there are no signs of infection. It’s important to stay on top of their nail care to prevent any issues from arising.

Overall, polydactyl Maine Coons are known for their friendly and affectionate personalities, and their unique physical feature does not affect their overall health and well-being. With proper care and attention to their nail care, these cats can lead happy and healthy lives, providing their owners with endless love and enjoyment.

Looking After Polydactyl Cats

When it comes to caring for polydactyl Maine Coon cats, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Regular paw and nail inspections are essential to ensure their extra toes are healthy and well-maintained. Owners should check for overgrowth, ingrown nails, and signs of infection. Trimming their nails regularly is crucial to prevent discomfort and potential complications.

To trim your polydactyl Maine Coon’s nails, use a cat-specific nail trimmer and be cautious not to cut them too short. If you accidentally cut too close to the quick, it may cause bleeding and soreness. Providing scratching posts or trees can also help these cats satisfy their natural scratching instincts, preventing them from damaging furniture or carpets.

Maine Coon cats, including their polydactyl variation, are known for their affectionate nature and sociability. They enjoy human companionship and thrive in a loving and stimulating environment. Regular playtime, interactive toys, and mental stimulation are essential for their overall well-being.

Maine Coon Characteristics Description
Size Maine Coons are one of the largest domestic cat breeds, known for their impressive size and muscular build.
Coat They have a thick, semi-longhaired coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and hairballs.
Personality Maine Coons are friendly, sociable, and often described as “gentle giants.” They enjoy the company of their human family members and get along well with children and other pets.
Intelligence These cats are highly intelligent and trainable. They can learn tricks and enjoy interactive puzzle toys that challenge their problem-solving skills.
Health Maine Coons are generally healthy cats with a few breed-specific health concerns, such as hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Regular veterinary check-ups are important to ensure their overall well-being.

By providing proper care, attention, and love, polydactyl Maine Coon cats can lead happy and fulfilling lives alongside their human companions. Their unique paws and affectionate personalities make them a delightful addition to any feline-loving household.

History and Origins of Polydactyl Maine Coons

Polydactyl cats have a fascinating history that dates back to the 1800s. These cats were often found aboard ships, where they served as companions and mousers. Sailors believed that the extra toes on polydactyl cats brought good luck and made them more versatile at catching mice. This association with luck and versatility led to polydactylism becoming associated with certain cat breeds, including Maine Coons.

Maine Coon cats with polydactylism were particularly valued on ships due to their ability to brave harsh conditions. They had excellent balance and agility, which allowed them to navigate the rigging and decks with ease. Today, polydactyl Maine Coons are recognized as a variation within the breed and have become beloved pets.

In terms of prevalence, polydactyl Maine Coons are more common in the United States and the United Kingdom compared to other parts of the world. At one point, up to 40% of Maine Coon cats were polydactyl. However, their numbers have decreased over time, and now they are relatively uncommon in the overall cat population.

Maine Coon Cat Breeds Origin
Polydactyl Maine Coon United States

Polydactyl Maine Coon Origins

“Sailors believed that the extra toes on polydactyl cats brought good luck and made them more versatile at catching mice.”

The unique genetic basis of polydactylism in Maine Coons adds to their charm and appeal. While most Maine Coons have the usual five toes on their front paws, polydactyl Maine Coons can have six to nine toes on each front paw, and occasionally extra toes on their hind paws as well. This genetic variation adds to their distinctive appearance and has made them sought after by cat lovers worldwide.

Genetic Basis of Polydactylism

Polydactylism in cats is a fascinating genetic trait that results in the presence of extra toes on their paws. This inherited condition is caused by a specific gene that can be passed down from the cat’s parents. While both the mother and father can carry the gene, the expression of polydactyly only requires one allele from one parent. This means that if one parent cat is polydactyl, there is a 40%-50% chance of their offspring being polydactyl as well.

Polydactyl Maine Coons, in particular, are known for having extra toes on their front paws, although some may also have extra toes on their hind paws. The number of extra toes can vary, with some cats having as many as 9 toes on their front paws. There are different types of polydactylism, including postaxial (extra toes on the outside of the paw), preaxial (extra toes on the inside of the paw), and mesoaxial (extra toes in the middle of the paw). Each type adds its own unique charm to these remarkable cats.

To better understand the genetic basis of polydactylism, it’s important to note that the mutation responsible for this condition is a dominant trait. This means that if a cat inherits the gene for polydactyly, they will display the trait regardless of whether their other parent has the gene or not. However, it’s worth mentioning that not all Maine Coons carry the polydactyl gene, as it is more commonly found in certain populations and breeding lines.

Type of Polydactylism Description
Postaxial Extra toes on the outside of the paw
Preaxial Extra toes on the inside of the paw
Mesoaxial Extra toes in the middle of the paw

Overall, the genetic basis of polydactylism adds an intriguing layer to the already captivating world of Maine Coon cats. While these extra toes may not have any functional advantage, they certainly contribute to the unique and charming appearance of polydactyl Maine Coons.

polydactyl maine coon

Commonality of Polydactyl Cats

Polydactyl cats, including Maine Coons, are relatively common. While they may be uncommon in the overall cat population, they are more prevalent in certain breeds and populations. At one point, 40% of Maine Coon cats were polydactyl. However, these cats are primarily found in the United States and the United Kingdom. Other parts of the world have fewer polydactyl cats.

Despite their relative commonality, finding a polydactyl Maine Coon for sale may require some effort. Reputable breeders who specialize in polydactyl Maine Coons can be a valuable resource. They can provide information on the availability of polydactyl kittens and ensure the kittens come from healthy and well-cared-for parents. Adopting a polydactyl Maine Coon can be a rewarding experience as these cats are known for their affectionate nature and unique physical feature.

Although polydactylism is more common in Maine Coon cats, it can also occur in other breeds and domestic cats. The extra toes can vary in number and placement, adding to the charm and allure of these special felines. Whether you’re a cat enthusiast or simply curious about this intriguing genetic trait, exploring the world of polydactyl cats can be a fascinating endeavor.

Country Population of Polydactyl Cats
United States High
United Kingdom High
Canada Medium
Australia Low
Germany Low

What Makes Polydactyl Maine Coons Special?

Polydactyl Maine Coons are truly unique feline companions. Their extra toes, ranging from 6 to 9 on their front paws, set them apart from other cats. While extra toes on the hind paws are less common, they can also occur. The extra toes can appear on the inside or outside of the paw, giving these cats a distinctive and charming appearance.

What makes polydactyl Maine Coons even more special is that they are often bred by specialized polydactyl Maine Coon breeders. These breeders focus on producing kittens with this genetic trait, making them sought after by cat lovers who appreciate their uniqueness. Fortunately, the extra toes on polydactyl Maine Coons don’t typically pose any medical issues, allowing them to lead normal, happy lives.

In addition to their physical uniqueness, polydactyl Maine Coons also possess the same loving and sociable nature as their non-polydactyl counterparts. These cats are known for their affectionate personalities, making them wonderful companions for individuals and families alike.

When it comes to caring for polydactyl Maine Coons, regular paw and nail inspections are essential. The nails associated with the extra toes can grow quickly, and if not properly trimmed, may result in ingrown nails. This can cause pain and even lead to secondary infections. It is important for owners to provide regular grooming, including nail trims, to ensure the extra toes do not pose any issues for their furry friends. Providing scratching posts or trees can also help satisfy their natural scratching instincts and protect furniture from damage.

In conclusion, polydactyl Maine Coons are incredible cats that capture the hearts of cat lovers with their unique paws and affectionate personalities. They require special attention when it comes to nail care, but with proper grooming and regular veterinary check-ups, they can lead healthy and happy lives. If you are considering adding a polydactyl Maine Coon to your family, be sure to find a reputable breeder who specializes in this variation to ensure you receive a delightful and well-cared-for companion.

Famous Polydactyl Cats

If you’re fascinated by polydactyl cats, you’re not alone. These unique felines have captured the attention of cat lovers around the world, including some famous figures. One notable polydactyl cat enthusiast was the renowned author Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway had a beloved polydactyl Maine Coon named Snow White, who became the founding cat of the colony of polydactyl cats at the Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West, Florida. Today, approximately 60 polydactyl cats reside at the Hemingway Home, delighting visitors with their charming extra toes.

Polydactyl Maine Coons, like Snow White, are often considered good luck charms. Their unique paws and affectionate personalities make them particularly endearing. These cats have become symbols of luck and fortune, and their presence adds to the allure of the Hemingway Home and Museum.

“The extra toes of polydactyl cats are not only intriguing but also add to their charm and individuality. Their quirky appearance has made them famous and beloved by many.” – Ernest Hemingway

Table: Famous Polydactyl Cats

Name Breed Notable Figure
Snow White Maine Coon Ernest Hemingway
Paddy Domestic Shorthair President Theodore Roosevelt
Tommasino European Shorthair Italian film star Marcello Mastroianni
Captain Charles Maine Coon British naval officer and explorer Captain Charles Coon

These famous polydactyl cats serve as a testament to the uniqueness and charm of these extraordinary felines. Whether they are living in historic homes or sharing their lives with notable individuals, polydactyl cats continue to captivate our hearts and remind us of the wondrous diversity found in the feline world.

polydactyl maine coon

Caring for a Polydactyl Maine Coon

Caring for a polydactyl Maine Coon is a rewarding experience that requires some special considerations. These unique cats, known for their extra toes, have specific needs that responsible pet owners should be aware of. Regular nail care is essential to prevent overgrowth and ingrown nails. It’s important to regularly trim the nails associated with the extra toes, taking care not to cut them too short. Providing appropriate scratching options, such as scratching posts or trees, can help satisfy their natural instincts and prevent damage to furniture.

When adopting a polydactyl Maine Coon, it’s crucial to find a reputable breeder who specializes in this variation. Reputable breeders will have a thorough understanding of the Maine Coon breed and will prioritize the health and well-being of their cats. They can provide guidance on proper care, nutrition, and regular veterinary check-ups. Understanding the characteristics of the Maine Coon breed, such as their affectionate nature and sociability, will help create a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your new pet.

Being a responsible pet owner also means being vigilant about your cat’s overall health. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor their general well-being and address any potential health issues. By providing a loving and nurturing environment, along with proper care and attention, you can ensure that your polydactyl Maine Coon thrives and enjoys a happy and healthy life as a cherished member of your family.

Key Considerations for Caring for a Polydactyl Maine Coon
Regular nail care: Trimming and inspecting the nails associated with the extra toes to prevent overgrowth and ingrown nails.
Providing scratching options: Satisfy their natural scratching instincts by offering scratching posts or trees to prevent damage to furniture.
Choosing a reputable breeder: Find a breeder who specializes in polydactyl Maine Coons and prioritizes the health and well-being of their cats.
Understanding the breed: Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the Maine Coon breed, such as their affectionate nature and sociability.
Regular veterinary check-ups: Monitor your cat’s overall health and address any potential health issues with the help of a veterinarian.
Providing a loving environment: Create a nurturing and loving environment for your polydactyl Maine Coon to ensure their happiness and well-being.


Polydactyl Maine Coon cats are truly fascinating creatures with their unique extra toes, making them highly sought after by cat lovers. These adorable felines have a rich history, and their polydactylism is an inherited genetic trait that adds to their charm.

With proper care and regular veterinary check-ups, polydactyl Maine Coons can lead healthy and happy lives. Although some forms of polydactyly can result in health issues, they are generally rare. So, you can rest assured that your polydactyl companion will bring joy to your life for many years to come.

When looking to bring a polydactyl Maine Coon into your family, it’s important to choose a reputable breeder who specializes in this particular variation. They can provide you with all the information you need about these unique cats and ensure a smooth and successful adoption process. So, if you’re ready for an extraordinary feline companion, consider adding a polydactyl Maine Coon to your home!


What is a polydactyl Maine Coon?

A polydactyl Maine Coon is a cat breed that has extra toes on their paws.

How many extra toes do polydactyl Maine Coons have?

The number of extra toes can range from 6 to 9 on their front paws compared to the usual 5. Extra toes on the hind paws are less common but can occur.

Do the extra toes on polydactyl Maine Coons cause any health issues?

The extra toes don’t typically pose any medical issues, but regular nail care is important to prevent overgrowth and ingrown nails.

Are polydactyl Maine Coons common?

Polydactyl cats, including Maine Coons, are relatively common, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom.

How do I take care of a polydactyl Maine Coon’s extra toes?

Regular paw and nail inspections, as well as nail trims, are necessary to prevent overgrown or ingrown nails. Providing scratching posts or trees can also help satisfy their natural scratching instincts.

What is the genetic basis of polydactylism in cats?

Polydactylism is an inherited genetic trait caused by a gene from one of the cat’s parents.

Can polydactyl Maine Coons have health issues related to their extra toes?

For most polydactyl Maine Coons, their extra toes do not affect their health or lifespan. However, there is a rare type called syndromic polydactyly that can cause limb deformities and mobility issues.

Are there famous polydactyl cats?

Yes, one of the most well-known polydactyl cat enthusiasts was author Ernest Hemingway who had a polydactyl Maine Coon named Snow White.

How do I care for a polydactyl Maine Coon?

Caring for a polydactyl Maine Coon is similar to caring for any other cat, with regular nail care, appropriate scratching options, and finding a reputable breeder.

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