Most Affectionate Cat Breeds
One of the major things between cat owners is that they argue if cats are affectionate. Actually, cats, in general, are not affectionate to their owners, but it is not applied to all cats, as there are some cats, who can be affectionate to their owners. However, many people, who want to have cats, look for cats that give them love and care. If you are one of these people, continue reading this article as it contains the most affectionate cat breeds.
1. Siamese

This cat breed is very vocal. They have the ability to speak with you very long as they are very social. However, Siamese cats, who are among the most affectionate cat breeds, have striking pale blue eyes and a distinctive masked look. These features make them one of the most lovable cats in the world.
WEIGHT: 2.7-6.3 kg
HEIGHT: Up to 35.5 cm
COLOR AND COAT: Short coat in lilac, blue, chocolate, and seal with blue eyes
2. Bombay

These cats, who are one of the rarest cat breeds in North America, are very loved by cat owners. Furthermore, Bombays, who are among the most affectionate cat breeds, have stunning copper eyes and sleek, black coat. They are very cute and smart; they also love cuddles.
WEIGHT: 2.7-5 kg
HEIGHT: 23-33 cm
COAT AND COLOR: Short, sleek, solid black coat with large, copper eyes
3. Ragdoll

This charming and brilliant ragdoll get it has a very loveable, obedient, and warmhearted essence. This white fluffy cat with grey-signs face, ears, and tail enjoys cuddles and being cuddled. This breed has a mysterious history; however, it was known in the 1990s in the United States and was recognized in 2000. This big cat loves living in a family as well as having friends. Furthermore, these cats are among the most affectionate cat breeds in the world.
WEIGHT: 4.5-9 kgs
HEIGHT: 23-28 cm
COLOR AND COAT: Blue eyes; coat colors include cream, red, lilac, chocolate, blue, and seal; coat patterns include colorpoint, mitted, van, and bicolor; light-colored body with darker ears, tail, legs, and face; and medium-length and silky plush coat.
4. Scottish Fold

The origin of this cat breed is Susie, a barn cat, who had distinct folded ears. This cat breed which is one of the most expensive cat breeds in the world has round bodies, eyes, and face, which are so adorable. However, after its photos were shared online by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran, the price has also raised a little bit. These features make these cats one of the most affectionate cat breeds.
WEIGHT: 2.25-5 kg
HEIGHT: 20-25.5 cm
COLOR AND COAT: Relatively long or short coat that comes in many colors such as tabby, tortoiseshell, commonly calico, and white.
5. Sphynx

The cats of this breed are known for their desire to snuggle with their owners all the time as well as their lack of fur. These acts, who are expensive as they are purebred, are so loved among cat owners.
WEIGHT: 2.7-5.5 kg
HEIGHT: 20.3-25.5 cm
COAT AND COLOR: This cat breed has no hair; colors include mink, pointed, tortoiseshell, tabby, lavender, chocolate, red, black, white, and calico.
6. Maine Coon

This breed is known for its streaked and mottled fur with dark stripes and pointed ears. Maine coon is one of the biggest cat breeds with shapely and voluptuous curves. This domestic cat is a strong as well as a gentle giant. It is believed that this breed developed as a cross between a raccoon and a house cat in America. However, that myth is an explanation for the Maine coon’s voluminous tail and smooth, long coat. Some believe they originated in America
WEIGHT: 4.5-8 kgs
HEIGHT: 25.5-40.5 cm
COLOR AND COAT: Copper, gold, or green eyes; and double, long coat with over 75 color combinations.
7. Persian

The Persian cat is one of the biggest cat breeds. This cat has an orange round flat face, which makes the most noticeable attribute of it. This breed has long hair and a squished face look because of its clearly short muzzle. It has a big appearance due to its long hair. Actually, this cat does not like playing instead it tends to be idle and ignorant around all day. Persians, who are the smallest of the larger breeds, are among the most affectionate cat breeds.
WEIGHT: 3-5.5 kgs
HEIGHT: 20-25.5 cm
COLOR AND COAT: Long coat in solid (cream, black, white), smoke, shaded, silver and gold, bicolor, calico, and tabby.
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