Dogs Without Fur
What makes dogs special is the hair or fur they have. It can be thin, dense, straight, or curly which can point out the appearance of any dog. However, there are also many dogs without fur that can make themselves special in their own way. Hairless dogs are rare relatively dog breeds that do not have completed any hair in their bodies or have very little hair because of genes that they are carrying.
One of the traits of these breeds is that some of them have a more distinct origin, whereas others are very related. They may have different personalities and appearances, but most hairless dog breeds are very lovely creatures and love warmth, so, they try looking for it by curling up and cuddling with their humans.

5-Argentine Pila Dog
The Argentine Pila dog is very close to the Peruvian Inca Orchid breed. The Argentine Pila dog has very soft skin and has no hair at all. This rare breed came from Argentina and it can be found in 3 size categories. These dogs are prized for their affectionate and playful spirit, as well as their ability to adapt to any environment. Although this breed does not have hair, some dogs have a hairy tail and some at the top of the head.
WEIGHT: 11.5-25 Kgs (large); 8-11.5 Kgs (medium); 4-8 Kgs (small).
HEIGHT: 46-63.5 Cms (large); 35.5-46 (medium); 25.5-35.5 (small).
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Varied skin colors and can include piebald or spotted markings; almond eyes; narrow muzzle; pointed ears; relatively short body; tail curled forward.

4-Peruvian Inca Orchid
The Peruvian Inca Orchid or Peruvian hairless
The most common trait of a Peruvian dog is that it is hairless. This breed was firstly founded in ancient Peru, where many people possessed them as a companion pup. These athletic little dogs love doing exercises. We can describe them also as compassionate with their families and protective too. And it would be trouble to leave them alone because that would grow very terrible separation anxiety. Some Peruvian Inca Orchids can have some short hair on some spots on the tail, tip, paws, and head, although some of them are totally hairless.
WEIGHT: 12-25 Kgs (large); 8-12 Kgs pounds (medium); 4-8 Kgs pounds (small).
HEIGHT: 50-65.5 Cms (large); 40-50 Cms (medium); 25-40 Cms (small).
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Smooth skin; low, whitetail; colored skin ‘’tan, pink, gray, brown, and black are the most colors’’; and long, lean body.

The Xoloitzcuintli or the Mexican hairless dog is an ancient Aztec breed back thousands of years. Xoloitzcuintli comes in 2 varieties: short-coated and hairless. The skin must be protected, when it comes to brushing and cleaning the coat, although both varieties do not need that much care. What makes this breed special is that they are loyal and have an eye alert making them great watchdogs. Although Xolos have a calm nature, people can rely on them totally for necessary protection.
WEIGHT: 13.5-25 Kgs (standard); 7-13.5 Kgs pounds (miniature); 4.5-7 Kgs (toy).
HEIGHT: 45.5-58.5 Cms (standard); 35.5-45.5 Cms (miniature); 25.5-35.5 Cms (toy).
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: They have a rectangular, muscular body; a wrinkled forehead. They Can have a flat, short coat, or can be totally completely hairless.

2-Chinese Crested
There are 2 varieties of Chinese crested dogs: powderpuff and hairless. What makes the hairless variety special is that there are fluffy tufts of hair covering their tail, paws, ears, and head, which can vary among this variation. And what makes the powderpuff variety special is that they have a fluffy, soft, and long double coat that covers their whole body. What is surprising is that the same litter can include both varieties; powderpuff and the hairless. Many people love these dogs as well as cuddle them, though they love playing and have an energetic side as well.
WEIGHT: 3.5-5.5 Kgs
HEIGHT: 28-33 Cms
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Can be fully coated, or hairless except for the feet, tail, and head. Their body is also slender and small; feathery white hair with spotted pink skin.

1-American Hairless Terrier
The American hairless terrier is a small dog of a breed that originally came from the rat terrier. People began breeding rat terriers, which was very special for their hairless bodies, starting in the 1970s. American hairless terriers are known for their playful, active, and for being very smart. While some of them are stillborn with light hair, they mostly distinguish themselves as the hairless trait. Although these dogs love preying on small rodents, they can create a great family.
WEIGHT: 5.5-7.25 Kgs
HEIGHT: 30.5-40.5 Cms
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: A very short coat or hairless, coat colors include apricot, red, chocolate, black. They are known to have a muscular, small body.
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