

Lion   In this article, you will know wonderful facts about lions, females, and males, with regard to, behavior, breeding, diet, and so on. Lionesses, female lions, weigh about 286.5 ponds, whereas males are very big and weigh up to and over 200 Kg as well as 1.2m tall at the shoulders. Both genders have … Read more



Monkey     What is known about monkeys is that they are mysterious, mischievous, and magnificent creatures. Any monkey can adapt to different environments depending on its homeland. Some of them are terrestrial like mangabeys, some others are baboons like macaques, but most of them are arboreal. Monkeys in general use their feet and hands … Read more

House Mouse

House Mouse

House Mouse     One of the most economically important and commonly encountered is the house mouse. These commensal rodents come from Central Asia, however, spread all over the world insomuch you can find them throughout the US. These rodents are a nuisance as well as they can cause crucial property and health threats. In … Read more

Types Of Animals

Types Of Animals

Types Of Animals     The different types of animals on Earth are sorted by a system called taxonomy, which classifies animals. This system contains 6 categories of animals based on specific characteristics.     The Animal Kingdom Animalia is the biological kingdom of animals, that contains all the animals in the world. More than … Read more

Marmoset Monkey

Marmoset Monkey

Marmoset Monkey       The most commonly traded and kept species of monkeys is the marmoset monkey species. There are some Geoffroy’s marmosets of this species, but most of them are common. However, there are also a few hybrids of the 2.     Breeders take baby marmosets from their mamas when they are … Read more

Spider Monkey

Spider Monkeys

Spider Monkey     Far north of Mexico and the tropical rain forests of South and Central America, are where Spider monkeys live. Spider monkey is one of many monkey categories. Behavior   Their prehensile tails and lanky-long arms enable them to swing through the trees. Spider monkeys are nimble and can maintain a powerful … Read more

Baby Animal Names

Baby Animal Names

Baby Animal Names     Most common animal names like lion, cat, dog, fish, bear, and tiger are known for almost everyone, but what is not known are the baby animal names! Have you ever thought about a baby animal name?! Actually, I have always been in that situation knowing nothing can be done! However, … Read more

African Elephants

African Elephants

African Elephants   Everyone knows that elephants are the largest mammals on earth, but do you know what the largest elephant species is?! The answer is the African Elephants. This breed can weigh up to six tonnes, heighten up to 330 cm at the shoulder, and be 750 cm long.   There are many uses … Read more



Elephant   It is known that elephants, which are the largest land mammals on earth, were common in Asia and Africa, but over the last century, their population has started to decline significantly. However, the biggest dangers to Asian elephants are resulting in human-elephant conflict and habitat loss. On the other hand, African elephant populations … Read more

Arabian Horses

Arabian Horses

Arabian Horses     Arabian horses were always known throughout the ages as a source of joy and pride for the desert people. These highly loyal horses intend to be patient and outstandingly elegant.   Profile Arabian horse   Suited for: Show endurance and recreational riding; dressage and riding,   Spread: Worldwide   Origin: Arabian … Read more

Flying Ants

Flying Ants

Flying Ants   It is known that flying ants usually appear on sunny days. However, there is a day in Great Britain called “flying ant day”, when these ants, which are also known as alates or swarmers, appear. Furthermore, their existence, in general, does not threaten people, but they can be irritated by their constant … Read more

Africanized Bees

Africanized Bees

Africanized Bees   Knowing the Africanized Bees is not an easy thing as they look like common Honey Bees, but with some differences physically. Some twenty different structures were compared and measured by a laboratory in order to analyze the differences. You can also know if they are Africanized Bees, which are also known as … Read more



Butterflies   A Butterfly and a moth are insects that descend down from the order Lepidoptera as well as the macrolepidopteran clade Rhopalocera. Grown-up Butterfly characterized for many features such as bright-large colorful wings, as well as fluttering clearly flight. Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis and have a 4-stage life cycle. Eggs were laid on the … Read more

Goat Breeds

Goat Breeds

Goat Breeds According to the United States Department of Agriculture, there’re 4 domestic goat categories: Angora goats (raised for wool), South African Boers (these goats can rebreed while nursing as they are adaptable), Mexican or Spanish goat (raised for meat), and dairy goats. However, these goat breeds are also good pets.   Furthermore, each breed … Read more